Development with ERPNext - Part 1: Setup using Vagrant box
One thing that was quite impressive when I first started working with ERPNext was the underlying Frappe Framework. It is highly extensible multi-tenant platform. In a way, Frappe acts as a host for all other apps to run on top, including ERPNext itself.
For reference, here is the official User Manual from ERPNext.
Following this though, I still found it hard to have everything set up nicely for development. There are 2 approaches I took:
- Install
directly on my Macbook. Problem with this arrives if we wanna have different version of ERPNext/Frappe. There is no way to make it clean - Install using VirtualBox/Vagrant. It solves the first problem but then there is no actual documentation on how to set it up for development.
Therefore i will try to show how I set up mine using Vagrant Box in this post. It turns out to be pretty simple and convenient.
1. Download Vagrant box
For simplicity, I will skip the step on how to install Vagrant/Virtual Box. Just make sure you have those installed. The official vagrant box is here:
2. Add vagrant box and start the vm
Usually i will put the box in my project folder as follow:
---- code/
Open a Command Terminal on the downloaded location, and add the vagrant box
vagrant box add --name=ERPNextTest
To see if it is actually added:
vagrant box list
ERPNextTest (virtualbox, 0)
Next add the following simple Vagrantfile
in the same folder as the box with the following content:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ERPNextTest" "private_network", ip: ""
Vagrantfile is used to inform Vagrant on how to provision the vm. I have chosen Static IP instead of DHCP to avoid the need to find IP later. More on Vagrant network configuration here.
Next let’s just start up the box with:
vagrant up
3. Copy the bench folder out
After the box finishes setting up, we can take a look by ssh in vagrant ssh
. It will look something like this when we do a list out.
To update, login as
username: frappe
password: frappe
Last login: Wed Dec 7 04:42:10 2016 from
frappe@erpnext:~$ ls
bench-repo frappe-bench tmp
frappe@erpnext:~$ ll frappe-bench/
total 20
drwxrwxr-x 1 frappe frappe 374 Dec 6 10:22 ./
drwxr-xr-x 9 frappe frappe 4096 Dec 6 10:09 ../
drwxrwxr-x 1 frappe frappe 170 Dec 6 10:15 apps/
drwxrwxr-x 1 frappe frappe 204 Dec 6 10:15 config/
-rw-r--r-- 1 frappe frappe 6148 Dec 6 10:15 .DS_Store
drwxrwxr-x 1 frappe frappe 340 Dec 6 10:17 env/
drwxrwxr-x 1 frappe frappe 170 Dec 7 09:55 logs/
drwxrwxr-x 1 frappe frappe 238 Dec 6 10:15 node_modules/
-rw-r--r-- 1 frappe frappe 128 Dec 6 10:14 patches.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 frappe frappe 405 Dec 6 10:15 Procfile
drwxrwxr-x 1 frappe frappe 238 Dec 6 10:16 sites/
Now the main problem now is how to access these files as local files. Vagrant has a configuration called synced_folders
. This, however, will prioritize syncing from host machine to guest. So if you have an empty host folder, it will screw up the initial setting from ERPNext. My solution is simple: wait for the frappe-bench
folder to finish setting up, then copy it out and sync.
Remember the static ip above, it will be useful here, we use scp to copy the whole folder out. Because it’s a local server, it’s pretty fast.
scp -r frappe@ code
Anyway, as long as the copying’s done, it will be much better because we can continue use git on these local files and still have it synced to the VM.
We can use tar for this as well:
ssh frappe@ 'cd ~/frappe-bench && tar czvf - .' | tar xzf - -C ./code
4. Last step is to enable synced_folder
Add a line to your Vagrantfile
so that it looks like below:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ERPNextTest" "private_network", ip: ""
config.vm.synced_folder "code/", "/home/frappe/frappe-bench"
Next, vagrant reload
After this you will have a local folder that automatically synced to the Vagrant Box. Any changes made to the apps will be updated. At the same time, since those files are local, you can still make use of the git versioning as usual. So there you have it, my one simple trick to set up ERPNext development environment using Vagrant Box.
This is much cleaner than directly install on Host machine, be it Mac or Windows (because of multi-versions conflict) and also quite convenient compare to keep updating a file from editor and upload the vagrant box.